Julio Esteban Larrondo Yáñez

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Julio Esteban Larrondo Yáñez (born August 23, 1959 in Santiago de Chile ) is a Chilean Roman Catholic clergyman and appointed auxiliary bishop in Santiago de Chile .


Julio Esteban Larrondo Yáñez studied at the seminary in Santiago de Chile and received the sacrament of ordination for the Archdiocese of Santiago de Chile on December 12, 1992 .

In addition to various tasks in pastoral care and as dean , he was active in the training and personnel management of the clergy. In 2020 he was appointed Episcopal Vicar for the Pastoral Care Zone Santiago South.

Pope Francis appointed him titular bishop of Magarmel and auxiliary bishop in Santiago de Chile on May 26, 2020 .

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c Nomina di Ausiliare di Santiago de Chile (Cile). In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , May 26, 2020, accessed May 26, 2020 (Italian).