Julius von Gemmingen-Steinegg

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Julius von Gemmingen-Steinegg

Julius von Gemmingen-Steinegg (born October 20, 1774 in Tiefenbronn , † August 25, 1842 in Stuttgart ) was lord of the castle in Steinegg and landlord in the bidding and Hagenschiess . He gained fame mainly through his change of denomination in 1823.


He was the son of Karl Joseph Ludwig von Gemmingen (1736–1801) and Countess Maria Theresa von Unverzagt (1735–1790). He was able to rule again in 1805 through his marriage to the distantly related Anna Maria von Gemmingen-Steinegg, daughter of the last male descendant of the Steinegg main line, and through the childless death of his brother Karl Dietrich, who had married Anna Maria's sister Maria Antonia unite the previously fragmented large property of the Gemmingen-Steinegg family line in Biet and in Hagenschieß , but soon afterwards lost most of its aristocratic rights as a result of the Reichsdeputationshauptschluss and mediatization of the imperial knighthood territories. From 1819 to 1822 he was a member of the First Chamber of the Baden Estates Assembly as a representative of the manorial nobility from the electoral district below the Murg . Under the influence of Aloys Henhöfer , he converted from Catholicism to the Evangelical Church in 1823. In 1830 he had a Protestant church built in Mühlhausen and a rectory with a teacher's apartment there. However, Henhöfer could not work there as a pastor. He lived in the castle in Steinegg until 1835, when he passed the property on to his sons Gustav and Eduard and moved to Stuttgart, where he died in 1842.


He was married to Anna Maria (Marianne) von Gemmingen (1781-1858), a daughter of the Steinegger landlord and councilor Franz von Gemmingen (1746-1797). The couple's closest common relative was Bernhard von Gemmingen (1448–1518), under whose descendants the Steinegg line had split into the Steinegg and Tiefenbronn branches.


  • Hermann (1803–1861) ⚭ Elisabeth von Kurnatowska
  • Joseph (1804–1873) ⚭ Friederike von Struve (1807–1890)
  • Luise (1805–1878) ⚭ Kaspar Schlatter
  • Eduard (1807–1884) ⚭ Maria von Kleudgen (1809–1874)
  • Gustav Johann (1808–1895) ⚭ Juliane Freiin von Gienanth (1811–1890)
  • Sophie (1810–1888) ⚭ Georg von Massenbach (1799–1885)
  • Thekla (1813–1877) ⚭ Gottlieb Tucher von Simmelsdorf
  • Mathilde (1816–?) ⚭ August Tholuck (1799–1877)
  • Elise (1818–?) ⚭ Georg von Römer

Individual evidence

  1. Heitland 1991, p. 20.


  • Walter von Hueck: Lineage of the Barons von Gemmingen , special print from the Genealogical Handbook of the Adels Volume 37 (Freiherrliche Häuser A, Volume VI), CA Starke Verlag, Limburg an der Lahn 1966
  • Mathilde Tholuck: Brief life picture of the blessed Reich Baron Julius von Gemmingen Steinegg-Hagenschies. Recorded by a child , Gernsbach 1886 (not evaluated).
  • Maria Heitland: Family chronicle of the barons of Gemmingen. Continuation of the chronicles from 1895 and 1925/26 , Elztal 1991.
  • Georg F. Kost: Steingg Castle - The end of an imperial rule , in: Der Enzkreis, year book 91/92 , ed. from the district office of Enzkreis, pp. 199–203.
  • Carl Wilhelm Friedrich Ludwig Stocker : Family Chronicle of the Barons of Gemmingen , Heidelberg 1895, p. 351.