Julius of Seefeld

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Julius Johann Carl Eduard Theodor Baron von Seefeld (born November 24, 1802 in Groß Gramsden, Courland Governorate , today Gramzda near Priekule ; † January 28, 1878 in Mitau ) was a Kurland state official.


Julius v. Seefeld studied 1821-1823 at the University of Dorpat and 1823-1825 at the Georg-August University of Göttingen law. After he had already joined the Curonia Dorpat during his years of study, he became a member of the Corps Curonia Goettingensis VII in 1824. In 1826 he became an assessor at the Hauptmannsgericht in Grobin and in 1841 at the Oberhauptmannsgericht in Mitau. In 1844 he was appointed captain in Talsen and in 1854 chief captain in Hasenpoth . In 1860 he was appointed to the Courland High Court in Mitau, initially as the 2nd junior councilor and in the same year as the 1st junior councilor. In 1861 he became Oberburggraf, in 1869 Chancellor and in 1874 Landhofmeister of the High Court. From 1842 he was a secular assessor of the Courland Consistory.

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Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 65/75