Young and old

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Original title Young and old
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1912
Director Curt A. Stark
production Oskar Messter
camera Carl Froelich

Young and Old is a German silent film drama from 1912 with Henny Porten in the lead role.


The head of a large trading house has been working closely with his old accountant for many years. This trusting cooperation has almost become something like friendship. Finally, the two of them move even closer together when the boss's son gets to know the accountant's daughter - and finally learns to love too. Initially, both fathers are unaware of this development. When both of them find out, they agree to each other's choice. Soon the old boss becomes very sick and dies a little later. His son is now taking over his position. But Junior's stormy character is incompatible with that of the serene and sensible father-in-law, and both clash on business matters. In addition, the new, young boss quickly becomes irresponsible in everything he does. He wastes money, is unreliable and seeks acquaintance with other women. The accountant's daughter falls behind, and the inexperienced junior boss no longer pays the necessary attention to the company. Attempts by the old man to “wash his head” are of no avail. One day there is a big bang when the junior prefers to follow a friend's champagne breakfast again than to devote himself to urgently needed business. The old man puts the pistol on his son-in-law's chest: If he goes now, he, the accountant, will also be leaving the shop, forever. The young man just laughs about it, and the accountant leaves the place of his many years of work, deeply disappointed.

The junior is delighted to be rid of the annoying minder and also serves his fiancée right away by sending her the engagement ring back. Then he finally surrenders to the dolce farniente. After only one year, the father's once flourishing company is ruined. Now the youngster is completely at a loss and wanders through the streets. Should he go to the old accountant and ask for help? He sees him on the street and leaves it. First. A little later the situation seems so hopeless that he leaps over his shadow and now goes to the accountant. He asks for help, but he flatly refuses. His daughter asks the father to jump over his shadow and he lets himself be softened. When the junior wants to thank his ex-fiancée and offers her his hand, she refuses to offer him hers. In a short time the old bookkeeper succeeds in getting the leaky business ship afloat again with great diligence. The junior seems to have come to his senses and thanks the old man profusely. Another attempt to apologize to his ex-bride for his disgraceful betrothal fails again.

One day when the daughter is about to pick up her father from the office, she notices a worker who is about to be fired for drunkenness waiting for the boss there. He wants his remaining wages to be paid, but demands more than he is entitled to. There is a quarrel and fights in which the drunkard pulls out a knife. The girl jumps in to avert the worst from her ex, and her hand is slightly injured by a knife. Through their commitment, the young man realizes that his former bride still seems to love him. He ties her hand to his handkerchief and tells her that he now knows that he still means something to her, otherwise she would not have put herself in danger because of him. She can no longer contradict him. When they are both in each other's arms, their father comes over and gives the couple his blessing.

Production notes

Young and Old was shot in the Messter film studio in Berlin's Blücherstraße 32, was censored in August 1912 and premiered on November 23 or December 1912. The film had two acts.

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