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Justasas (also Justus , Justa or Ustas ; † 484 ?) Was a leader of Samaritan rebels against the Eastern Roman emperor Zenon , probably in the year 484.

With the rebellion, the Samaritans defended themselves against the strictly Christian-Orthodox religious policy of the central government in Constantinople . Justasas, who is described in some late antique sources as the leader of a band of robbers, was supposedly - like Julian ben Sabar later - made king by the rebels. His troops are said to have conquered Neapolis and Caesarea Maritima and murdered the Christians there and mutilated their bishop Terebinthus on the hands. The uprising was put down by the dux Palaestinae Asklepiades, Justasas captured and executed as a usurper. His head, adorned with a diadem, is said to have been sent to Emperor Zenon. He had an octagonal Chapel of Mary built on the Garizim , the holy mountain of the Samaritans .

In the years 529 and 556 there were renewed uprisings of the Samaritans.




  1. Raban / Holum consider the Justasas episode largely to be a historiographical “duplicate” of the much better documented Julian's rebellion.