Kate Bombach

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Käte Bombach (born Bentien , born December 25, 1913 in Hamburg , † 1989 in Berlin ) was a German trade unionist ( FDGB ).


Bombach came from a working-class family and completed a commercial apprenticeship after attending elementary school . During the Weimar Republic she worked as a typist and clerk at the Soviet trade agency in Hamburg and Rotterdam . She became a member of the KJVD in 1929 and joined the KPD in 1931 .

After the war , she worked as a secretary and clerk at the Berlin-Treptow district office in 1945/46 . She became a member of the FDGB in 1945 and of the SED in 1946 . In 1946/47 she was a member and chief department head of the central board of the salaried employees' union, and in 1947/48 chief department head in the FDGB federal board. In 1949/50 she worked as an employee in the Labor and Social Welfare Department of the Central Secretariat of the SED Party Executive. From 1950 to 1952 she acted as the chairwoman of the Potsdam district board of the IG Textile-Clothing-Leather and from 1952 to 1957 she was department head for work and vocational training at the Cottbus district council . She completed a distance learning course at the German Academy for Political Science and Law in Potsdam-Babelsberg in 1960 with a degree in political science. From September 1957 to December 1961 she was a member of the presidium and secretary for women's issues of the FDGB federal executive committee. On October 14, 1957, she was elected a member of the WGB General Council with Herbert Warnke and Rudolf Kirchner at the IV World Trade Union Congress in Leipzig . In December 1961 she resigned from her trade union functions “at her own request for health reasons”.

In February 1962 she was elected secretary of the council of the Berlin-Lichtenberg district.

Käte Bombach was married to the trade unionist Erich Bombach . She died in 1989 and was buried in the cemetery for victims of fascism and those persecuted by the Nazi regime at the Friedrichsfelde central cemetery.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Neue Zeit , October 16, 1957, p. 1.
  2. Neues Deutschland , December 17, 1961, p. 3.
  3. ^ Neue Zeit , February 9, 1962, p. 6.
  4. Remembrance days 2014. Central cemetery Friedrichsfelde.