Kathe Aettner

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Käthe Frieda Aettner (born April 15, 1915 in Berlin ; † July 28, 2006 in Lemgo ) was the director of the Marianne Weber Gymnasium in Lemgo from 1957 to 1980 and a founding member of the Detmold group of the German Association of Women Academics .

life and work

After attending the Dorotheen Oberlyzeum in Berlin, she studied German, French and Protestant theology in Berlin and Tübingen. In 1939 she passed her first state examination and taught preparatory work at the Rückert School in Berlin. Afterwards she was a teacher at the Uhland Lyzeum in Berlin until 1945. After the school was evacuated, she stayed in Lippe and taught at the Detmold girls' high school from 1950 . From 1957 to 1980 she was the director of the Lemgoer Marianne-Weber-Gymnasium. In 1949 she and Hildegard Sauerbier u. a. the Detmold group of the German Association of Women Academics .

Aettner published from 1949 several articles in the magazine Westermanns Pedagogical Contributions and from November 1956 a series of reviews on literary books in Der evangelische Erzieher . In 1961 she contributed a text about the women's rights activist Marianne Weber to the commemorative publication of the newly inaugurated Marianne Weber School in Lemgo, which also appeared in Girls' Education and Women . From 1964 onwards she published the series Women in Decision: Selected Stories of Our Time , which was intended as school material .

Biographical literature

  • Christine von Oertzen: Missing stories. In: Barbara Duden u. a. (Ed.): History in stories. A historical reader. Frankfurt / M. 2003, pp. 70-77
  • Belated congratulations for Käthe Aettner. In: Lemgoer Hefte. 4 (1995), p. 18 f.

Individual evidence

  1. Personal data of teachers in Prussia. Retrieved October 16, 2018 .
  2. Kathe Aettner | University Women's International Networks Database. Retrieved October 16, 2018 (American English).
  3. Ernst Fleischhack: Aettner, Käthe In: Lippisches Autorlexikon . Volume 1, Wagener, Lemgo 1986.