Kęstutis Gaška

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Kęstutis Gaška (born March 28, 1943 in Žeimelis , Pakruojis Rajongemeinde ; † November 13, 2012 ) was a Lithuanian politician.


After graduating from Salomėja Nėris Middle School in Vilnius in 1961 , Gaška graduated as an engineer at the Vilnius branch at Kauno politechnikos institutas in 1967 . From 1967 to 1971 he taught at Kauno politechnikumas . From 1971 to 1989 studied Gąska in the postgraduate , research fellow and group leader at the Institute of Semiconductor Physics of Lietuvos mokslų akademija . In 1982 he received his PhD in technology.

From 1992 to 1996 Gaška was a member of the Seimas . From 2002 to 2003 he worked for UAB " Mineraliniai vandenys ".

From 1992 Gaška was a member of the LDDP .

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