Kəmaləddin Heydərov

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Kəmaləddin Heydərov

Kəmaləddin Heydərov , eingedeutscht Kämaläddin Hejdärow (born July 15, 1961 in Çeşməbasar, Babek , ASSR Nakhichevan , Azerbaijan SSR , USSR ), is an Azerbaijani statesman and since 2006 Emergencies Minister of Azerbaijan .


Heydərov concluded 1978 General School no. 1 in Nakhchivan from. Then he studied until 1984 the subject "Geological Exploration" at the State University of Baku . He obtained another university degree in the field of international law .

Heydərov began his professional career as a technician in a geological exploration institute in Baku . After spending two years in Uzbekistan (1992–1994), he was appointed chairman of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan in January 1995.

In December 2005, Heydərov was appointed head of the newly established Azerbaijan Ministry of Disaster Management and continues to hold this post to this day.


Heydrov has been one of the largest and most influential oligarchs in Azerbaijan since he was promoted to head of the Customs Committee. He belongs to the inner circle around President Ilham Aliyev . During his eight year tenure, a system of total control over imports and exports was put in place. According to information from the platform WikiLeaks , Heydərov is at the forefront of the monopoly of the Azerbaijani economy.

Heydərov masters, among other things, the import and export of goods in the construction, food, textile and tobacco industries, through which he has built a huge business empire. Heydərov owns 250 companies from different economic sectors (banking, agriculture, tourism, etc.). Critics still refer to him as the "king of hotels". He is the owner of 14 luxury hotels in Baku, Lənkəran and Qəbələ .

Individual evidence

  1. Arif Ahmadov: Azerbaijani clans: Who controls what in a small country. In: WikiLeaks. February 19, 2013, accessed December 5, 2019 .
  2. Кямал Теймуров: Творчество Гейдаровца. Свояк свояка видит издалека. In: Еженедельная аналитическая газета "Бакинские ведомости". July 9, 2005, Retrieved December 5, 2019 (Russian).
  3. «Все, кто сражался с Гейдаровым, плохо закончили». In: Досье Wikileaks на главу МЧС Азербайджана и его семью. December 3, 2010, Retrieved December 5, 2019 (Russian).
  4. Ширин Тире, Орхам Маммад, Гюнай Хилалова, Садагат Бахшалиева, Онур Кямал: Кто такой Кямароведдиен In: Meydan TV. July 15, 2018, Retrieved December 5, 2019 (Russian).