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tomb of Merenptah

place Valley of the Kings
Discovery date in ancient times
excavation Howard Carter
The following
Valley of the Kings
Valley of the Kings
(Eastern Valley)
Isometric representation, floor plan and sectional drawing of the tomb

The tomb KV8 is the burial place of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Merenptah of the 19th dynasty . The corridor of the tomb is about 160 m long and contains elements that did not appear in earlier tombs, such as the relief of the sun god Re at the entrance. At the end of the corridor is the burial chamber.


The stone sarcophagus of Merenptah

The tomb contains numerous wall paintings, such as the scene images of the Litany of Re , the Book of the Portals , the Amduat and the Book of the Caves, first documented under Merenptah . There were also pictures of the mouth opening ceremony .

Despite the numerous floods in the Valley of the Kings, the decorations preserved are among the best of the tombs. Many decorations in the front areas of the tomb (except those on the ceiling and the upper parts of the walls) have been lost to the water. Since there were no locked chambers, the archaeologists are sure that someone must have gained access to the tomb beforehand.

See also


  • Jan Assmann : The inscription on the outer sarcophagus lid of Merenptah. In: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologische Institut, Kairo Department (MDAIK) No. 28 , 1972, pp. 47–73 ( online ).
  • Howard Carter : Report of Work Done in Upper Egypt (1903-1094). In: Annales du service des antiquités de l'Égypte (ASAE) No. 6 , 1906, pp. 116–119.
  • Alberto Siliotti: Valley of the Kings: the most famous necropolis in the world. K. Müller, Cologne 2004, ISBN 3-89893-560-4 .
  • Nicholas Reeves , Richard H. Wilkinson : The Valley of the Kings. Mysterious realm of the dead of the pharaohs. Bechtermünz, Augsburg 2000, ISBN 3-8289-0739-3 , pp. 147-149.

Web links

Commons : KV8  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c kv5.de: Excavations in the Valley of the Kings: KV8

Coordinates: 25 ° 44 ′ 26.6 ″  N , 32 ° 36 ′ 4.2 ″  E