Caftan blouse

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The caftan blouse is a long-cut, open-front garment that is primarily worn by women in the western world . Has developed this style mostly made of light materials stitched blouse originally from the traditional caftan . Because of its simple production, the blouse is also becoming increasingly popular among hobby tailors.

Origin and development

In contrast to the traditional caftan , which has been worn primarily in oriental areas for several centuries, the modern caftan blouse did not enter the fashion world until the early 1970s . After several years of popularity, the caftan blouse trend weakened, but has enjoyed a considerable upswing since the beginning of the new millennium .


  • Ingrid Loschek : Reclam's fashion and costume lexicon. 4th, revised and expanded edition. Reclam, Stuttgart 1999, ISBN 3-15-010448-3 .
  • Fabia Denninger, Elke Giese: Textile and Model Lexicon. 2 volumes (Vol. 1: A - K. Vol. 2: L - Z. ). 8th, completely revised and expanded edition. Deutscher Fachverlag, Frankfurt am Main 2006, ISBN 3-87150-848-9 .

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