Kaga (DDH-184)

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Kaga (DDH-184)
JS Kaga (DDH-184) right front view at Port of Osaka May 19, 2018 03.jpg
Ship data
flag JapanJapan (naval war flag) Japan
Ship type Helicopter carrier
class Izumo class
Ship dimensions and crew
248 m ( Lüa )
width 38.0 m
Draft Max. 7.5 m
displacement approx. 19,800 t
crew approx. 520 men
Machine system
machine 4 × gas turbines
30 kn (56 km / h)
propeller 2 × propellers

The Kaga (DDH-184) is a helicopter carrier of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Forces entered service in March 2017 . She is the second ship in the Izumo class ; the first (the Izumo ) entered service in March 2015.

The Kaga replaces the aging destroyer Kurama ; this was decommissioned in March 2017.

It is equipped with two Phalanx CIWS and two SeaRAM for self-defense as well as a torpedo defense system.


The kaga is mentioned in the 2018 novel " Rise of the Taishaku ".

Web links

Commons : JS Kaga (DDH-184)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

See also


  1. www.jmuc.co.jp (Japanese)
  2. https://www.riseofthetaishaku.com