Franz Strahl

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Franz Strahl (born December 28, 1944 ) is a former German football player. In the 1960s he played for SC Neubrandenburg and BSG Stahl Eisenhüttenstadt in the GDR Oberliga , the top division in GDR football .

Athletic career

Franz Strahl's start in organized football began in 1959 with the company sports community (BSG) Turbine Neubrandenburg. He played his first league game in higher-class football in the 1962/63 season in the second-rate GDR league for the Neubrandenburg team, who have since played as a sports club in Neubrandenburg. It stayed with this one gig, just like in 1963/64. During this season, SC Neubrandenburg made it to the GDR league. The 19-year-old Strahl was one of the top division squad for the 1964/65 season and immediately developed into a regular player. As a striker, he played 24 of the 26 point games and scored four goals. For the Neubrandenburg it was not enough to stay in the league, so that from 1965/66 they had to play in the GDR league again. At the beginning of 1966, the soccer section was again spun off from the sports club, initially playing as a soccer game association (FSV), and a few months later as BSG Post. Until 1968, Strahl was always a regular player, because of the 90 GDR league games played in these three seasons, he completed 72 matches in which he scored 20 goals. For the 1968/69 season beam moved to the GDR league club BSG Stahl Eisenhüttenstadt. With the steelworkers he rose to the top division for the second time in his career at the end of the season and was involved in 28 of 30 point games and contributed four goals. This time too, the league stay lasted only a year, because after the 1969/70 season, BSG Stahl was also among the relegated. Because of serious rule violations, the team was then transferred to the third-rate district league . In November 1970, Strahl was drafted into the National People's Army for 18 months . After his discharge from the army, Strahl played again from the 1972/73 season for BSG Stahl Eisenhüttenstadt, which had meanwhile been promoted back to the GDR league. He took back his regular position with 21 appearances in 22 league games, but could only play half of the league games in the following 1973/74 season. Then Strahl returned to the BSG Post Neubrandenburg. There he continued to play in the GDR league until 1980 and was absent from the 132 games of these six seasons in only four matches. In the 1975/76 season he scored the most goals since 1964 with eleven goals. In the summer of 1980, Franz Strahl temporarily decided his career in higher-class football and joined the regional division BSG Baumechanik Neubrandenburg . The construction mechanics rose with Strahl every season until they reached the GDR league in 1983. In the 1983/84 season, the 38-year-old Strahl came again to 19 second division games and scored three goals. After BSG Baumechanik was unable to stay up in the league, Franz Strahl finally ended his career as a football player. He initially stayed with the BSG as a trainer, then returned to Post Neubrandenburg in 1986, where he was assistant coach of the 1st team until 1988.


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