Kagoshima Juzo

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Kagoshima Juzō ( Japanese 鹿 児 島 寿 蔵 ; * December 10, 1898 in Fukuoka , Fukuoka Prefecture ; † August 22, 1982 ) was a Japanese poet and doll maker who was named as such in 1961 to the Living National Treasure in the category: doll manufacture .


Kagoshima was born in 1898 as the eldest son of Otogorō and Naka Kagoshima in the Kawabata district of Fukuoka. He learned the craft of making dolls from Arioka Yonejirō? ( 有 岡米 次郎 ). Kagoshima initially produced terracotta dolls, then began in 1932 with the production of "Shiso dolls" ( 紙塑 人形 , ~ ningyō ), which he subsequently specialized in. In 1934 he joined the craft group Kōjutsukai ( 甲戌会 on).

As a poet, Kagoshima is part of the group surrounding the Tanka magazine Araragi . His teachers were the poets Shimagi Akahiko (1876–1926) and Tsuchiya Bunmei . Kagoshima is a bearer of the Order of the Sacred Treasure 3rd Class (Commander). In 1968 he was awarded the Chōkū Prize for Poetry for Furusato no akashi ( 故 郷 の 灯 ).

Works (selection)

  • 1950 Masaoka Shiki ( 正 岡 子規 ), Tanka anthology
  • 1975 Haha no kuni ( は は の く に )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 鹿 児 島 寿 蔵 . In: デ ジ タ ル 版 日本人 名 大 辞典 + Plus at kotobank.jp. Retrieved April 15, 2014 (Japanese).
  2. 鹿 児 島 寿 蔵 ー 人形 と 短歌 二 つ の 道 を 極 め た ー . (No longer available online.) 福岡 県 人 会 May 31, 2011, archived from the original on April 16, 2014 ; Retrieved April 15, 2014 (Japanese). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / net.a.la9.jp