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Kaiemqed in hieroglyphics
n / a m qd d

k3 (.j) -m-qd
Kaiemqed's false door

Kaiemqed was a high ancient Egyptian official who probably lived in the 5th Dynasty (about 2504 to 2347 BC). He is only known from his false door , which was drawn during Karl Richard Lepsius' expedition to Egypt and later published. His mastaba is in the north of Saqqara and was given number 14 by Lepsius (now called LS 14), of which a plan of the cult chapel was also published posthumously. Kaiemqed had various titles and was, among other things, treasurer , but also priest of Re in Setibre . Setibre is the name of the sun sanctuary of King Neferirkare . So Kaiemqed lived under this ruler or shortly after.

His wife Nubka and her daughter Wehemnofret also appear on the false door.


  • Karl Richard Lepsius : Monuments from Egypt and Ethiopia. Text. Volume I: Lower Egypt and Memphis. Hinrich, Leipzig 1897–1904, p. 162
  • Karl Richard Lepsius: Monuments from Egypt and Ethiopia: based on the drawings of the scientific expedition sent to these countries by His Majesty the King of Prussia Friedrich Wilhelm IV and carried out in the years 1842–1845 , Abth. 1-6 in 12 vol. Nicolaische Buchhandlung, Berlin, 1849-1859. Edition des Belles Lettres, Geneve 1972–1973. Volume II, p. 100 ( ULB Halle )
  • Nigel Strudwick: The Administration of Egypt in the Old Kingdom. The Highest Titles and their Holders. KPI, London 1985, ISBN 0-7103-0107-3 , p. 151 ( PDF file; 20.4 MB ); Retrieved from Digital Giza .