Limestone quarry at Mönchemühlenteich

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The limestone quarry at Mönchemühlenteich is an outcrop and left open quarry in the Wernigerode district . It is described in the Geological Harz Guide Part VI - Blankenburg Harz from 1926. It has geotope no. 4131/5. It is an unprotected quarry that is not listed as a natural monument .


The outcrop is located near Blankenburg in a small wooded area in the village of Michaelstein .


Overturned layers of the Jena formation

The outcrop is about 10 meters high and 40 meters wide. The outcrop is a disused quarry in which limestone was extracted. This comes from the Lower Muschelkalk (Jena Formation) a lithostratigraphic unit which is subordinate to the supergroup Germanic Triassic . The layers are overturned. Fossil remains of mussels and brachiopods as well as trace fossils can be found here and there. Discordant, transgressive yellow-brownish sands and marls from the Blankenburg Formation lie above the limestone . This is to be assigned to the sub- campan . Is located at the base of a conglomeratic marl bank with limestone pebbles, so-called transgressions - conglomerate which sets due to the eroding action of the sea waves.

Geological outcrop "Limestone quarry at Mönchemühlenteich" in Michaelstein near Blankenburg / Harz


  • Hans Joachim Franzke, Max Schwab: Harz, eastern part - with Kyffhäuser Kristallin . 1st edition. Gebr. Borntraeger Verlagbuchhandlung, Stuttgart 2011, ISBN 978-3-443-15090-7 , p. 327 .

Individual evidence

  1. Geotopes in Saxony-Anhalt ( memento of the original from January 26, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Coordinates: 51 ° 48 '  N , 10 ° 55'  E