Cannstatt camera office

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The Cannstatt Kameralamt was an institution of the Kingdom of Württemberg that administered state property and income in the administrative district. It existed in Cannstatt from 1806 to 1922 . The camera office was created as part of the reorganization of the state finance administration in the Kingdom of Württemberg.


According to the ordinance of July 14, 1807, the Patrimonial Office of Palm in Mühlhausen am Neckar was assigned to the Cannstatt Camera Office. According to the order of the Ministry of Finance of September 26, 1836, the Cannstatt Camera Office was assigned:

In contrast, the places Feuerbach and Gaisburg were assigned to the Stuttgart camera office.

According to the decree of March 6, 1843, the mills from the hamlet of Berg in the Stuttgart district remained assigned to the Cannstatt Camera Office, while the Hohenheim forest district was ceded to the Stuttgart City Camera Office .


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