Kameralamt Eßlingen

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The Kameralamt Eßlingen was an institution of the Kingdom of Württemberg , which administered property and income of the state in the administrative district. It existed from 1806 to 1922 in Eßlingen am Neckar . The camera office was created as part of the reorganization of the state finance administration in the Kingdom of Württemberg.


House Webergasse 3, seat of the camera office in Eßlingen

According to an order of April 23, 1807, the tax collector Nagel in Eßlingen was entrusted with the handling of all camera incidents of the previous care and spiritual administration in Eßlingen and the cloister master's office in Weil.

On September 26, 1836, the Eßlingen camera office had the locations Berkheim, Denkendorf, Köngen, Nellingen, Neuhausen of the upper office district Eßlingen , Bernbach, Birkach, Riedenberg (with Kleinhohenheim), Harthausen, Heumaden, Kemnath (with Stockhausen), Obersielmingen, Plieningen (with Hohenheim , Ruith, Scharnhausen and Untersielmingen) of the Oberamtsbezirks Stuttgart from the dissolved Kameralamt Nellingen as well as the places Steinbach (with Freitagshof) and Wendlingen (with Bodelshofen) of the Oberamtsbezirks Eßlingen from the Kameralamt Kirchheim unter Teck and Schanbach (with Lobenrot) from the dissolved Kameralamt Beutelsbach and take over the Places Hedelfingen, Obertürkheim, Rohracker, Sillenbuch and Uhlbach ( Upper District Cannstatt ) to the Cannstatt Camera Office.

On the basis of the ordinance of March 6, 1843, the Eßlingen camera office had to take over the place Aichschieß, which had been ceded by the Schorndorf Oberamt to the Eßlingen Oberamt, from the Schorndorf camera office and to cede the ten municipalities of the Stuttgart higher office that had been taken over from the Nellingen camera office in 1836 to the Stuttgart camera office.


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