Geislingen camera office

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The Geislingen camera office was an institution of the Kingdom of Württemberg that administered state property and income in the administrative district. It existed from 1810 to 1922 in Geislingen an der Steige . The camera office was created as part of the reorganization of the state finance administration in the Kingdom of Württemberg.


In 1810 the Geislingen camera office was established from the following areas:

  • the formerly Ulmischen ceded by Bavaria to Württemberg (the places Geislingen, Altenstadt, Amstetten, Aufhausen, Bräunisheim, Gingen, Gross-Süssen, Hausen, Hofstett-Emerbuch, Kuchen, Oppingen, Schalkstetten, Steinenkirch, Stötten, Stubersheim, Türkheim, Überkingen, Unterböhringen , Waldhausen and Weiler) areas.
  • the knightly possessions of the Count von Rechberg zu Donzdorf (belonging to the canton Kocher, which came to Bavaria in 1806 and Wuerttemberg in 1810), namely the Donzdorf lordship with its hamlets and farms, the Weissenstein lordship to the Weissenstein, Böhmenkirch, Nenningen, Schnittlingen and Treffelhausen belonged to the Count of Degenfeld-Schomburg to Eybach, namely Eybach with several courts. And the earlier Bubenhofen rule of Klein-Süssen, which has belonged to Count von Rechberg since 1826.

When the camera offices were reorganized on June 6, 1819, the location Ettlenschieß (previously Oberamt Albeck ) was assigned to the camera office in Geislingen by the camera office in Langenau .

By order of the Ministry of Finance on 2 January 1839 to have been Upper District Ulm proper place Ettlenschiess and Steingädele to the Kameralamt Ulm ceded.

According to Regulation of 6 March 1843, the Kameralamt Geislingen had the dissolved the places Deggingen, Ditzenbach, Drackenstein, Gosbach, Hohenstadt, Mulhouse, Reichenbach, Westerheim and Wiesensteig Kameralamt Wiesensteig taken.


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