Kamnaskires III.

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Coin: Kamnaskires and Anzaze

Kamnaskires III. was a king of the Elymais , who lived around 82/81 to about 75 BC. Ruled.

Kamnaskires is best known for his dated coins on which he appears with his wife Anzaze . The image of the ruler on these coins is no longer based on Greek models. Hairstyle, beard and clothes are Iranian. The coins may have been minted in Seleucia on Hedyphon . From the astronomical diaries from Babylon one learns that a Parthian king, probably Orodes I , in January / February 77 BC. He marched to Elam to march against Qabinashkiri , who is with some certainty Kamnaskires, who obviously rebelled against Parthian rule. These events are perhaps also mentioned in Strabo (Geog. XVI.1.18), who reports of a revolt in this region of the Parthian Empire, which, however, is not dated.


  • Gilbert JP McEwan: A Parthian Campaign against Elymais in 77 BC In: Iran. Vol. 24, 1986, pp. 91-94, doi : 10.2307 / 4299767 .
  • Daniel T. Potts: The Archeology of Elam. Formation and Transformation of an Ancient Iranian State. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge et al. 1999, ISBN 0-521-56358-5 , p. 392.