Kan'ei Uechi

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Kan'ei Uechi ( Japanese 上 地 完 英 ; * June 26, 1911 ; † February 23, 1991 ) was a Japanese martial artist.

He was the son of Kanbun Uechi , the founder of the karate style Uechi Ryu . In his Hombu Dōjō near the city of Ginowan ( Okinawa ) he taught Uechi Ryū Karate until his death.

He supplemented the three originally learned Kata Sanchin , Seisan and Sanseru with the five other Kata Kanshiwa, Kanshu, Kanchin, Seichin and Seiryu . He also added Junbi Undo , Hojo Undo and Yakosoku Kumites and Bunkais to the system.

In 1930 Kanei Uechi began teaching in Japan under the guidance of his father. He trained for 10 years, then opened his own school in Osaka, which he ran for two years. He then returned to Okinawa, married, and settled briefly as a farmer in Nago. Ryuko Tomoyose, the son of Ryuyu Tomoyose, was living in Futenma (Okinawa) when his father told him that Kanei was in Okinawa. Ryuko found Kanei and convinced him to teach. Ryuko and a group of karate students then built a dojo for Kanei and brought him to Futenma as a teacher.
