Cantonal Library of Graubünden

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the Cantonal Library of Graubünden in Chur

The Kantonsbibliothek Grisons ( KBG ) is a study and education library in the Buendner Canton capital Chur . It is committed to supporting education, science and culture and mediates the relevant media in the three cantonal languages ​​of German , Romansh and Italian . In addition to a wide range of subjects, the canton library also offers classics in the fields of literature, film and music.

It also acts as an advice center for publicly accessible libraries in the canton and thus promotes the development and coordination of the Graubünden library system .


Before 1804 there was a Bibliotheca civitatis Curiensis in Chur , which we know about from the 17th and 18th centuries. It did not seem to have had any regional significance, because when in 1756 the city of Chur was allowed to receive the large private library of the Bernese pastor Elisaeus Malacrida from Graubünden as a gift, there was no longer any talk of a city library.

In the heyday of the 18th century, private scholarly and reading societies emerged in the course of the Enlightenment . In this context, a book catalog from 1782 again shows activities of a city ​​library in Chur. It was not until the Bündner Kantonsschule was founded in 1804 that a library was also founded. The acquisition of the books was secured by a contribution, a kind of book money, which the students had to pay; this contribution amounted to half a louis d'or in 1804 . In addition, the evangelically oriented canton school also tried to get donations from large private libraries.

In 1816, the cantonal school teacher and philologist Johann Caspar von Orelli , who was well-known beyond the borders, advised the library to collect not only historical, philological, theological and literary works but also maps and publications related to Graubünden. In 1848 it was even suggested in the Education Council to introduce statutory deposit copies to the library; however, this remained a desideratum .

In the 1860s, the library was able to acquire an impressive number of Romansh-language books and thus came a considerable step closer to today's requirements for a cantonal library for Graubünden. The term canton library for the old canton school library also comes from the school year 1865/66. The official conversion into a classic cantonal library took place in 1883. On the instructions of the small council (= then state parliament), the education council of the canton of Graubünden commissioned the library commission on May 13, 1882 to «draw up regulations on the use of the cantonal school library and the natural history cabinet of the cantonal school» . This draft was revised and approved by the Small Council in 1883 in the “Ordinance on the Cantonal Library in Graubünden”.

After its separation from the cantonal school, the library gained in importance through numerous large and small donations. But soon certain donations were felt to be a burden and also unworthy of the library. In 1919 so-called trivial literature was eliminated , which led to the establishment of a public library. This Chur public library lived its existence until 1973 next to the branch of the Swiss public library, which was founded in 1922. The cantonal library has been located in the archive and library building at Karlihof since 1905, which was opened to the public again after an intensive renovation in 1992 with its attractive architecture and design.


It currently has around 420,000 information carriers , including 1,000 magazines and newspapers with subscription, 3,200 audio documents, 1,400 audiovisual media and 11,500 image documents such as engravings , photographs, maps and posters. Annually the stock grows by about 9000 units.


As the office of the canton of Graubünden , the mandate of the canton library is set out in the ordinance on the canton library of Graubünden. It is obliged to collect publications on the canton of Graubünden and by Graubünden authors as well as all publications that appear in the canton. Furthermore, it collects the official publications appearing in Graubünden from authorities, offices and institutions of the canton as well as from municipalities, municipal associations and other corporations, institutions and foundations under public law under the supervision of the canton.

In addition to printed matter, this Raetica collection also includes a diverse number of information carriers such as audio-visual media, posters, graphics or image reproductions. The collection of the canton library complements the collection of the Graubünden State Archives, which is housed in the same building.

Old stock

The old stock comprises around 120,000 titles. Due to a legal decision of 1951, the library is not allowed to collect manuscripts, but these can be found in the Graubünden State Archives. The old stock is characterized by some special features that are of supraregional importance. There are a number of Italian-speaking anti-clerical authors from the Reformation . In addition to the Vaticana, the Cantonal Library of Graubünden is likely to be one of the few libraries that has such a collection from this period.


The cantonal library is a publicly accessible academic library and is available to everyone. Lending media in the library is only possible with a library card. New users can make use of the online registration in the union catalog . Documents more than 100 years old, irreplaceable media and reference books in the open access area cannot be borrowed, but they can be consulted in the library. All other stocks can be borrowed.


The online catalog of the Graubünden Library Network lists all media that have been in the cantonal library since 1983 , but also older stocks that are often requested by users. In addition to books and around 1,000 magazines, the catalog also contains sound and image carriers such as CDs, DVDs, videos, CD-ROMs, maps and posters. The online catalog is a union catalog of over 20 libraries and lists over 310,000 documents.

Systematics and systematic online research

The cantonal library is currently the only library in Switzerland that offers a systematic online search. The systematic search is started directly on the homepage of the Cantonal Library of Graubünden and currently displays all media that were either acquired from 2007 or are available in the open access department. The basic classification is used as a system. On the one hand it is used for online searches, on the other hand its notations form part of the signature in the open access list.

The Cantonal Library of Graubünden adopted the version of the basic classification that is in use in the GBV (see Common Library Network ). Changes were made mainly in the form of additions to the notation. Only the main classes 54 and 86 have been completely changed or updated and streamlined. The 54 «IT» was adapted to the needs of our customers.

Since the main class 86 represents a German understanding of the legal system, it was dissolved and replaced by a newly created main class 87, which reflects the Swiss understanding. Further additions were made in 15 «History». The 15 also depicted German conditions. With an addition, the Swiss and Graubünden needs could easily be added. All of these additions result in a three-part notation. The basic classification is originally strictly two-part. Class 15.60 «Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, Austria» was supplemented by 15.60.10 «Swiss history: general», 15.60.20 «Graubünden history: general» and 15.60.27 «Bündner local history». This procedure was also used in other main classes and has proven itself excellently in practice.

Web links

Coordinates: 46 ° 50 '58.3 "  N , 9 ° 32' 1.9"  E ; CH1903:  759783  /  190842