Cape Mount

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Coordinates: 6 ° 43 ′ 39 "  N , 11 ° 21 ′ 56"  W.

Map: Liberia
Cape Mount

The Cape Mount ( English Cape Mount ) is a prominent point on the West African coast on the Atlantic , it is located in the extreme northwest of Liberia . It consists of a rocky peninsula about 20 kilometers long but barely 3 kilometers wide, which is connected to the mainland in the southeast.


On Cape Mount is located in the district of Grand Cape Mount City Robertsport . It was founded by the first immigrants from the project to return American slaves to Africa. On the forested peninsula there are three small lakes near the beach: Lake Mono , Lake Jaa and Lake Makasa , but these are tiny compared to Lake Piso , which is located north, between the peninsula and the mainland and in connection with the sea at Robertsport stands. The False Cape Mount is only 4 kilometers away.


The first European to see Cape Mount was the Portuguese explorer Diogo Gomes in 1458 . He toured the west coast of Africa on behalf of Henry the Navigator .


  • National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (Ed.): NGA Sailing Directions-Enroute: 2008 West Coast of Europe and Northwest Africa . Pub. 143. Annapolis MD 2009, ISBN 978-1-57785-885-0 , Sierra Leone and Liberia - The Banana Islands to Cape Palmas, pp. 253 (English, limited preview in Google Book search).

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