Karel Slabbaert

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Karel Slabbaert:
The boy with the bird

Karel Slabbaert (* around 1619 in Zierikzee ; † before November 6, 1654 in Leiden ) was a Dutch painter and draftsman. The artist worked from 1634 to 1654 in Middelburg . His work includes portraits, genre scenes and still lifes.


Little is known about the artist's life and only a small number of his works - mostly genre scenes - have survived. Slabbaert was born around 1619 in Zierikzee in the Dutch province of Zeeland . He married in Amsterdam in 1645 and settled in Middelburg. Here he was head of the Guild of St. Luke in 1653 . The painter Abraham Borm († 1668) was one of his students . In his group portrait with soldiers ( Mauritshuis Den Haag) he depicted himself in the foreground. The portrait of a painter ( Städel , Frankfurt am Main) may also be a self-portrait of the artist. Karel Slabbaert died in Leiden in 1654 and was buried in Middelburg on November 6th of that year.

Works in public collections (selection)

  • Portrait of a Man , 1653, Mauritshuis, The Hague
  • Soldiers and other people in the ruins of a castle , around 1650, Mauritshuis, The Hague
  • The boy with the bird , Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum , Braunschweig
  • Saint Luke , Gemäldegalerie , Berlin
  • Portrait of a painter with a skull , Städel, Frankfurt am Main


Web links

Commons : Karel Slabbaert  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Slabbaert (Karel) . In: Catalogus der schilderijen, miniaturen, pastels, omlijste teekeningen, enz. in the Rijks-Museum in Amsterdam . Roeloffzen-Hübner & van Santen, Amsterdam 1909, p. 247 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).