Finnish Spitz

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Finnish Spitz
Finnish Spitz
FCI Standard No. 49
Origin :


Alternative names:

Karelo-Finnish Laika, Suomenpystykorva

Withers height:

Bitches: 42 ± 3 cm.
Males : 47 ± 3 cm


Bitches: 7-10 kg.
Males: 12-13 kg

List of domestic dogs

The Finnish Spitz ( Finnish Suomenpystykorva ) is a Finnish breed of dogs recognized by the FCI ( FCI Group 5, Section 2, Standard No. 49 ).

Origin and history

The Finnish Spitz is a "long-established" dog , but nothing is known about how it came about. As a typically spiky dog, he has always been a companion of the local population, robust, bred for everyday use, snow and ice do not mind him. He is a tireless companion on the hunt, with a very powerful, loud voice that lets you know whether he is following a trail or has caught a piece of prey. The hunter needs this announcement in order to be able to follow the light-footed dog even in the snow and to find the prey.

In Russia and especially in the Russian Cynological Association RKF, the name Karelo-Finnish Laika ( Russian Карело-финская лайка , transcribed Karelo-Finskaja Laika ) is common for the Finnish Spitz . In 2006 the Finnish and Russian Breeding Associations agreed that the Finnish Spitz and the Karelo-Finnish Laiki would be the same breed and that Finland would create the standard . This means that Finland is also the origin of the breed (see dog breeds in the FCI systematics ).


The Finnish Spitz grows up to 47 cm tall and weighs 13 kg, and is red-brown to golden-brown. His hair is long, upright, stiff with an abundant undercoat . Small, erect ears are typical; the tail is carried over the back.


The Finnish Spitz is mainly used to hunt black grouse and capercaillie, depending on its suitability today also for elk hunting . The dog has the task of finding the game independently and barking until the hunter comes.

Individual evidence

  1. Announcement of the Finnish Breeding Association from 2006 ( Memento of the original from October 14th, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Web links

Commons : Suomenpystykorva  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Commons : Karelo-Finnish Laika  - collection of images, videos and audio files