Karl-Heinz Stiegemann

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Karl-Heinz Stiegemann (born November 1, 1958 in Düsseldorf ) is the founder and chairman of the IFM Institute for SMEs.


Stiegemann attended the Lessing-Gymnasium in Düsseldorf, which he left in 1977 with the Abitur. This was followed by three years of studying law and economics at the University of Cologne . In 1980 he joined Commerzbank AG and completed a three-year trainee training after graduating as a banker. He began his professional career in 1985 as a branch manager in Düsseldorf. From 1989 to 2002 he worked as a regional manager for the lending business with corporate customers. In 2002 Stiegemann moved to Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf, responsible for lending business with corporate customers. In 2003 he received from the banking supervisory authority the full banking license according to § 32 KWG to operate a credit institute and was first appointed as prevention representative for Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf and in 2006 he was appointed to the management board of Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf, responsible for corporate customer business, commercial real estate financing and the subsidiary Equity Partners GmbH . The company was responsible for the private equity business of the Stadtsparkasse. In 2008, Stiegemann was dismissed without notice from Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf for lending to the now insolvent company Maxfield, of which Franjo Pooth was a partner. The subsequent litigation led to a compensation payment of EUR 454,236.53 in 2011.

With the Mittelstand initiative in focus , Stiegemann highlighted the importance of the medium-sized economy in an economic region. He created the Mittelstandpreis of Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf, which is awarded annually to particularly outstanding, innovative medium-sized entrepreneurs.

Together with the NRW Bank, represented at the time by the former CEO of KFW, Ulrich Schröder, Stiegemann set up a seed fund for the Düsseldorf economic region to support start-ups.

In his book contribution "Sparkassen - Mittelstandpartner vor Ort" in the book "Mittelstand hat Zukunft" published by the Deutsche Sparkassenverlag, Stiegemann describes the special lending importance of the savings banks for the financing of medium-sized companies.

Pooth affair

In the course of the so-called "Pooth Affair", Stiegemann hit the headlines in 2008 in connection with a loan of more than nine million euros to Franjo Pooth, Verona Pooth's husband . His company got into financial difficulties and had to file for bankruptcy in 2009. Stiegemann was sentenced to pay 454,000 euros to the Stadtsparkasse for failing to fulfill his duty of care as a Sparkasse board member. In 2011, his lawyers reached an agreement with the Düsseldorf Regional Court on an 11-month sentence for infidelity, which was suspended.

IFM Institute for medium-sized companies

In 2009, with the support of numerous medium-sized entrepreneurs, Stiegemann founded the IFM Institute for Medium-Sized Enterprises , a network of European consulting firms in the areas of finance, EU funding, IT security, advising family businesses, legal and business advice, M&A, private equity, website Design and HR consulting. The IFM experts are now working in 16 European countries (as of 2017) with universities, business associations, the administration and the chambers of the respective countries.

Honorary positions

  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) Düsseldorf
  • Heinrich-Heine-University Dusseldorf
  • Digital city of Düsseldorf
  • Traffic watch Düsseldorf
  • Gerresheimer Hospital (today SANA clinics)
  • School for Music, Dance and Theater Iris Graf, Erkrath
  • Marketing Club Düsseldorf
  • Destination Düsseldorf


Stiegemann is married and has four children.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Staff: Karl-Heinz-Stiegemann. In: IFM Institute for SMEs. July 18, 2017, accessed on September 19, 2019 (German).
  2. SME financing . In: Brain Fleet Management. Retrieved on September 19, 2019 (German).
  3. Katharina Rüth: Stiegemann has to pay half a million. July 27, 2011, accessed on October 28, 2019 (German).
  4. ^ Heinrich Haasis, Thomas R. Fischer: Mittelstand has a future. Retrieved September 19, 2019 .
  5. RP ONLINE: Ex-Sparkassen board member has to pay 454,000 euros. Retrieved September 30, 2019 .
  6. Published by Cybiz: Live on the Internet: Digitization of the Economy. Retrieved September 19, 2019 .
  7. Published by Cybiz: E-Commerce-Aufbruch in Düsseldorf. Retrieved September 19, 2019 .
  8. ^ Verkehrswacht Düsseldorf eV - About us. Retrieved September 19, 2019 .
  9. Page 1 of 6 pages statutes fgk_neu_internetausgabe_180303.doc statutes of the association Freundeskreis Gerresheimer Krankenhaus eV Accessed on September 19, 2019 .