Karl August von Hohenstock

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Karl August von high stick (* 1723 in Brandenburg; † 16th April 1788 ) was a Royal Prussian major general and most recently chief of the Hussars 5th . He was the owner of the Gurren, Klimken and Dombrowken estates .

He comes from a middle-class house in Brandenburg and was initially a simple hussar in Hussar Regiment No. 4 . There he became sergeant and on December 31, 1747 he became a cornet. In 1754 he was promoted to lieutenant and in 1759 became a staff assistant master. In December 1760 he received his own squadron and in 1761 became major and commander of the Freihusars in Kleist's Freikorps . After the Seven Years' War the corps was disbanded and he came to Dragoon Regiment No. 2 . In 1767 he became commander of the Hussars. 7, . In June 1772 he was made a lieutenant colonel and in the same year on August 29, 1772 he was promoted to colonel. As such, he became chief of Hussar Regiment No. 8 . In January 1784 he moved to Hussar Regiment No. 5 and also received the Bosniak Corps . In 1785 he was appointed major general. In 1788 he handed over the corps to the then Colonel Heinrich Johann von Günther . He died in April 1788. From 1741 onwards he served in all campaigns under Friedrich II and was taken prisoner on June 1st, 1762 near Grumbach.

He was married to Anna Maria von Ehrenburg (Ehrenberg).
