Karl Friedrich Beaudry

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Alexander Veltman , portrait of Karl Friedrich Beaudry (1839)
Religious procession in front of the Annunciation Cathedral in Moscow Kremlin

Karl Friedrich Beaudry (Russian Карл-Фридрих Петрович Бодри, * 1812 in Moscow ; † 1894 ibid) was a Russian vedute , landscape, genre and portrait painter.


Beaudry was born the son of Peter Beaudry, probably a Berlin Huguenot .

From 1833 to 1839 he was a student of the Moscow School of Painting and Sculpture and after graduating received the title of "Artist" (academic artist). From 1843 he studied at the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg in the class of historical painting with Karl Pawlowitsch Brjullow .

Beaudry spent most of his later life in Moscow, where he created his major works. He was best known as a vedute painter of the Moscow views, for example “View of Moscow Krivokolenny Alley in Summer 1848” and “Outpost at the Entrance to Moscow City” (1849). The painting "Religious procession in front of the Annunciation Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin" earned him the title of member of the Imperial Academy of Arts in 1860. He also painted interiors such as "Sculptor Ivan Pjetrowitsch Vitali at Work" (1841) and " Pyotr Yakovlevich Tchaadayev's Cabinet".

He was buried in the cemetery of other faiths on the Vvedensky Hills because he had never converted to the Russian Orthodox faith .

Web links

Commons : Karl Friedrich Beaudry  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Московские виды Карла Петровича Бодри (1812-1894). Retrieved June 6, 2020 (Russian).