Karl Gardarsson

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Karl Garðarsson (German transcription Karl Gardarsson , born July 2, 1960 in Reykjavík ) is an Icelandic journalist and politician ( Progress Party ).

Karl studied general literature and English at the University of Iceland ( Bachelor of Arts 1984). In 1986 he received a Masters in Media Studies from the University of Minnesota . He later went on to study business administration at the University of Iceland's Advanced Training Institute. In 2013 he received a bachelor's degree in law from Reykjavík University . He has worked as a reporter and in senior positions at Icelandic radio, television and newspapers. As of 2019, he is the managing director of Frjáls fjölmiðlun ("Free Media"), which took over the tabloid Dagblaðið Vísir (DV) at the end of 2017 .

Since the Icelandic parliamentary elections on April 27, 2013 , Karl was a member of the Icelandic parliament Althing for the constituency of Reykjavík South . He was a member of the parliamentary constitutional and oversight committee, the budget committee and chaired the Icelandic delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe . Karl Garðarsson ran again for the early parliamentary election on October 29, 2016 , but was not elected. He was at the top of the Progress Party's list for the Reykjavík-Nord constituency, but the party could not win a seat in this constituency.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. To DV ( Icelandic ) DV. Retrieved November 17, 2019.
  2. Auglýsing landskjörstjórnar um framboð í Reykjavíkurkjördæmi norður við alþingiskosningar October 29, 2016 ( Icelandic ) Innanríkisráðuneytið (Icelandic Ministry of the Interior). Retrieved November 6, 2016.
  3. Brynjólfur Þór Guðmundsson: þessi taka á saeti thingi ( Icelandic ) In: ruv.is . October 30, 2016. Retrieved November 6, 2016.