Karl Lentzner

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Karl Lentzner (born May 25, 1842 in Frankfurt am Main ; † May 13, 1905 in Berlin ) was a German Anglicist, Romanist , Hispanicist, Germanist and educator.

life and work

Karl August Lentzner spent seven years in Argentina and Uruguay and was a teacher in Australia at the Sydney Grammar and Kings School in the 1870s. He was a lecturer in Oxford, received his doctorate in Leipzig with a thesis on the sonnet and its design in English poetry up to Milton (1886), was at the University of Königsberg and taught from 1902 until his death as a professor of English at the University's Oriental Seminary Berlin . Many of his publications are to be understood as adaptations, translations and editions by other authors, e.g. B. his book Colonial English , which earned him allegations of plagiarism.

Other works

English studies

  • On the Shakespeare-Bacon theory, Halle 1890 (48 pages)
  • The cross among the Anglo-Saxons. Common records, Leipzig 1890 (28 pages)
  • (Translator) Ophelia and Porzia. Two Shakespeare's female characters, based on letters from Helena Faucit [1817–1898] Martin translated into German, Leipzig 1890
  • The Classics. Edited as a contribution to the question of Latin and Greek teaching, Halle 1890
  • Dictionary of the English vernacular of Australia and some English mixed languages: with an appendix , London and Halle aS / Leipzig 1891 (originally udT Colonial English: A Glossary of Australian, Anglo-Indian, Pidgin English, West Indian, and South African Words , London 1891, ab 1892 udT Dictionary of the Slang-English of Australia and of some mixed languages: with an appendix )
  • The mutual relations of literature and life, a lecture, Oxford 1895
  • On the question of the English essay. A reading of thoughts, in: Bayerische Zeitschrift für Realschulwesen 20, 1900 (39 pages)
  • Essentials of literature and art, London 1903
  • English as the language of world traffic, Berlin 1905 (24 pages)

Romance Studies

  • De Fivas 'companion or, One hundred errors corrected in De Fivas' Grammar of grammars, Berlin 1880 [Alain Auguste Victor de Fivas, author of a successful English translation and arrangement of the Grammaire des grammaires by Girault-Duvivier ]
  • Tesoro de voces y provincialismos hispano-americanos. TI: Parte primera: La región del Rio de La Plata , Halle / Leipzig 1892 [Introduction by Lentzner, also: G. Maspero, Sobre algunas particularidades fonéticas del español hablado por los campesinos de Buenos-Ayres y de Montevideo (trabajo publicado en " Mémoires de la Société de linguistique de Paris "[2, 1875, pp. 51-65 udT Sur quelques singularités phonétiques de l'espagnol parlé dans la campagne de Buenos-Ayres et de Montevideo] traducido directamente del francés. Enmendado y seguido de apuntaciones críticas) and Daniel Granada, Vocabulario rioplatense razonado , AC. (Reprinted from the 2d edition of this work, Montevideo, 1890)]
  • Comments on the Spanish language in Guatemala, Halle / Leipzig 1892, English: Observations on the Spanish Language in Guatemala, Halle 1893, Spanish: Observaciones sobre el español de Guatemala, in: Biblioteca de Dialectología Hispanoamericana 4, 1938, pp. 227–34

German studies

  • Chamisso. A sketch of his life and work with specimens of his poetry and an edition of the original text of "Salas y Gomez", London 1893
  • The Berlin dialect investigates according to records "real Berliner", London 1893 (15 pages)
  • (Ed.) Hermann B. Rumpelt, The German Numbers Historically Depicted, Berlin 1893, Whitefish, Montana 2010
  • A Short Scandanavian Grammar. Oldnordisk formlære i grundrids being outlines of Old Iclandic accidence in modern Danish, Oxford 1895
  • A Short History of the Danish Language adapted to the use of English students from an article by Ludwig Frands Adalbert Wimmer [1839–1920], Oxford 1897
  • German Essays for English thinkers, London 1896, 1899, 1900 [1. Originality in Literature. A translation of Wilhelm Emanuel Backhaus [1828–1896], Litterarisches Schaffen, 1900; 2. Heinrich Steinhausen , Our art exhibitions from 'Herzenserleichterungen', 1896; 3. Of Christian Religious Art. An inquiry, 1899]
  • The Teaching of Literature as Literature. Illustrated by the Treatment of German Classics in German Schools, Aberystwyth 1897 (72 pages)

Further publications

  • Educational Essays , Rugby 1881 (later edition udT Three Essays [Andrea Angiulli's [1837–1890] efforts for educational reform. The value of modern psychology in relation to the science of education. The higher education], Halle 1890)
  • On the Study of European Languages, London 1892


  • Günther Schütz (Ed.): Epistolario de Rufino José Cuervo con filólogos de Alemania, Austria y Suiza. Y noticias de las demás relaciones de Cuervo con estos países y sus representantes. Volume 1. Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Bogotá 1976, pp. 455-463 ( Publicaciones del Instituto Caro y Cuervo. Archivo epistolar colombiano 8, ZDB ID 420156-5 ).