Karl Rayger

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Karl Rayger , also Carl Rayger, (born September 22, 1641 in Preßburg / Slovakia ; † January 14, 1707 ibid) was city doctor for the city of Preßburg (Bratislava) and member of the academy of scholars “ Leopoldina ”.


Karl Rayger was born in Pressburg (Hungarian: Poszony), where he received both his elementary and secondary education. He was the son of William Rayger, who had come to Pressburg from Vienna in 1636. From 1659 Karl Rayger studied philosophy in Altdorf and theology in Wittenberg, then began studying medicine and continued his studies in Leiden, Paris and later in Montpellier, where he also studied botany. He received his doctorate in Strasbourg in 1667. After completing his studies, he went on a study trip to Italy and settled in Bratislava as a city ​​physician on his return in 1668 . Here he is mainly concerned with his medical practice. Emperor Leopold I appointed him court physician and protomedicus in Hungary. Rayger set up a botanical garden in which he mainly grew medicinal plants. During this time he wrote a number of medical publications, which he published in Academia Leopoldinas Proceedings . From a medical point of view, he is known as the author of today's newborn lung test, which he proposed for the first time in Hungary as evidence of a living or dead fetus. He was also the first doctor in Hungary to describe influenza .

From an entomological point of view, two of his works from 1694, which were published in the Miscellanea curiosa medicophysica Academiae Naturae Curiosum Decuria III , are of particular importance. Annus II., Obs. 21. and 22. Both works deal with the swarming of ants and grasshoppers over Bratislava and its surroundings. This work is one of the first entomological work on the territory of Slovakia.

His son Karl Rayger junior also became a doctor.

On December 24, 1694, Karl Rayger with the nickname PHILO II. Was accepted as a member ( matriculation no. 210 ) in the Leopoldina .


  • Exercitatio Anatomico-Physiologica De Flvidorvm Catholicorvm Foetvs Motv / Qvam Præside Joh. Mauricio Hoffmanno [...] Pvblicæ Ventilationi In Alma Noricorvm Vniversitate Altdorffina Ad d. XXIV. Aprilis AC cIɔ Iɔc XCV. exponet AR Carolvs Raygervs, Posonio Vngarus. [Altdorf, ante 24 IV 1695].
  • Dissertatio medica de inedia, quam ... sub praesidio Joh. Alberti Sebizii, solenni eruditorum examini subjicit Carolus Rayger, Bibliothèque nationale de France. Digitized
  • Rayger, C .: 1694, De formicis volantibus. Miscellanea curiosa medicophysica Academiae Naturae Curiosum Decuria III. Annus II., Obs. 21st
  • Rayger, C .: 1694, De locustis volantibus. Miscellanea curiosa medicophysica Academiae Naturae Curiosum Decuria III. Annus II., Obs. 22nd


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