Karl Rieck

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Karl Rieck (born August 25, 1851 in Neustrelitz ; † in August 1932 there ) was a German educator and local history researcher.


Karl Rieck was a son of the pedagogue Gottlieb Rieck (1816-1858), sexton at the court and town council and elementary teacher at the Carolinum grammar school in Neustrelitz. Attending this grammar school and graduating from high school there at Easter 1870 was followed by philology and German studies in Leipzig and Berlin from 1870 . After a time as a tutor and as a collaborator at the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Realschule Stettin 1874-1876 he was in 1877 in hall with the dissertation De proprietatibus quibusdam sermonis Euripidei Dr. phil. PhD.

As early as 1876, Rieck worked as a teacher at the Carolinum Neustrelitz grammar school. Initially employed as the seventh teacher, he became the third senior teacher at Easter 1896, and on October 17, 1899 he was appointed grammar school professor. In 1925 he is mentioned as a secret teacher . Retired since 1919, Karl Rieck celebrated his 50th anniversary with colleagues and students on April 24, 1926.

From 1925 Rieck was a member of the Mecklenburg-Strelitzer Association for History and Local History, founded on the initiative of Hans Witte . As the author of Mecklenburgica he wrote several works on regional history and articles for the magazine of the Heimatbund Mecklenburg. In addition, he worked on the yearbooks for Classical Philology published by Alfred Fleckeisen .

Karl Rieck is often confused with the pedagogue of the same name and Rostock high school professor Karl (Friedrich Christian) Rieck (* December 24, 1851 in Strelitz; † January 16, 1930 in Rostock), who also worked as a writer under the pseudonym Karl Niger . His brother was the businessman and writer Max Rieck (1857–1932). Since both had attended the Neustrelitzer grammar school almost at the same time, this (the Neustrelitzer) was referred to by the classmates as "Köster" or "Kösting" , the one (the Rostock) as "the black Rieck" . Probably the same name Neustrelitzer jurist and Ministerialrat (Julius Ludwig) Karl Rieck (born March 30, 1880 in Neustrelitz; † 1940) was a son of Neustrelitzers.

Fonts (selection)

  • De Proprietatibus quibusdam sermonis Euripidei. (Dissertation, 1877)
  • Urban life in Mecklenburg in the Middle Ages. (2 volumes, 1896/1900)
  • Festschrift for the centenary celebration on October 10, 1906. History of the Carolinum grammar school in the first century of its existence. Bohl, Neustrelitz 1906 ( digitized version )
  • Teachers library catalog. (2 parts, 1912/13)
  • The personal names of Woldegk and the surrounding area. In: Mecklenburg , magazine of the Heimatbund Mecklenburg. Vol. 13 (1918), No. 2, pp. 37-41 and 49-66.


  • Grete Grewolls: Who was who in Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania. The dictionary of persons . Hinstorff Verlag, Rostock 2011, ISBN 978-3-356-01301-6 , p. 8155 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Person encyclopedia of 19th century teachers - University Library Gießen
  2. Membership number 324
  3. 236. Karl Rieck in Neustrelitz In: Jahrbücher für Classische Philologie , 26th year, Teubner, Leipzig 1880, p. IX (PDF 52.5 MB).
  4. Grete Grewolls: Who was who in Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania. The dictionary of persons . Hinstorff Verlag, Rostock 2011, ISBN 978-3-356-01301-6 , p. 8156 .