Karl Schäuble

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Karl Schäuble (born May 20, 1907 in Schramberg ; † June 1, 2000 in Freiburg im Breisgau ) was a German politician ( BCSV , CDU ).

Family and work

Schäuble was the son of a carpenter and completed a commercial apprenticeship. As a "climber ... without breaks and ambiguities" ( Basler Zeitung ) he rose to the position of authorized signatory of various local companies, including a Hornberg colored weaving mill, and became a local dignitary. He later worked as a self-employed tax advisor.

The Catholic Schäuble was with Gertrud Schäuble geb. Göhring married, a Lutheran from Untertürkheim , with whom he had three sons: Frieder (1937–2011), Wolfgang (* 1942) and Thomas (1948–2013). He described the father as a soft, kind person who talked about politics with his growing sons every evening. His in-laws were Pia and Fritz Göhring (district council member for the SPD). Because of the confessional mixed marriage and because his sons grew up as Protestants, he had difficulties with the Catholic Church .


Schäuble preserved according Basler Zeitung in the era of National Socialism distance from the regime and counted 1,946 of the founders of the Badische Christian Social People's Party (BCSV), which later became the National Association of Baden CDU. Later he was first chairman of the Christian Democrats in Hornberg . In 1947 he was elected to the Baden state parliament, to which he belonged until 1952. At the end of the 1940s Schäuble tried to become mayor of Hornberg, but the Archbishop's Ordinariate in Freiburg intervened against him, which meant the end of his political career.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Werner Filmer, Heribert Schwan: Wolfgang Schäuble: Politics as a life task. Bertelsmann, Munich 1992, ISBN 3-570011658 , p. 19; Hansjörg Müller: The right political life in the wrong one. In: Basler Zeitung , July 24, 2015.
  2. ^ Hans Peter Schütz: Wolfgang Schäuble. Two lives. Droemer, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-426-27582-5 , pp. 84 and 95.
  3. Hansjörg Müller: The right political life in the wrong. In: Basler Zeitung , July 24, 2015.