Karl von Sezze

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Karl von Sezze , real name: Carlo Melchiori, (born October 19, 1613 in Sezze , Italy, † January 6, 1670 in Rome , Italy) was an Italian monk and mystic. He is venerated as a saint in the Catholic Church.

Carlo Melchiori, the son of a farmer, joined the Capuchin Order as a lay brother in Nazzano in 1635 . From 1640 he worked in the convent of S. Francesco a Ripa in Rome. In 1648, in the course of a service , he was imprinted with stigmata , the wounds of Jesus. As a Capuchin, he worked as a gardener, cook, porter, alms collector and sacristan. At the request of his soul guide, Karl wrote important writings about his mystical experiences.

In 1882 he was appointed by Pope Leo XIII. Beatified and 1959 by Pope John XXIII. canonized.

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