Karps 21 NP-complete problems

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Karp's 21 NP-complete problems is a set of NP-complete arithmetic problems that is common in complexity theory .


One of the most important results of complexity theory is the proof provided by Stephen Cook in 1971 that the satisfiability problem of propositional logic (usually just called SAT for short ) is NP-complete.

In 1972 Richard Karp took up this idea and showed NP-completeness for 21 further combinatorial and graph-theoretical problems that stubbornly eluded efficient algorithmic solvability.


By showing that a large number of significant problems are NP-complete, Karp motivated further research into class NP, the theory of NP-completeness, and the question of whether classes P and NP are identical or different ( P-NP- Problem ). The latter is one of the most important open mathematical questions today. Among other things, it is one of the seven Millennium Problems of the Clay Mathematics Institute , for whose solution prize money of one million US dollars was awarded.

List of problems

The following tree shows Karp's 21 problems, including the associated reduction that he used to prove their NP-completeness. For example, the NP-completeness of the backpack problem was shown by reducing the problem of the exact coverage on it.


  • Richard M. Karp : Reducibility Among Combinatorial Problems . In: RE Miller and JW Thatcher (Eds.): Complexity of Computer Computations . Plenum Press, New York, 1972, pp. 85-103 ( uoa.gr [PDF]).

Individual evidence

  1. Stephen Cook : The Complexity of Theorem Proving Procedures . In: Proceedings of the third annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing . 1971, p.  151-158 ( acm.org ).