Karyn S. Marshall

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Karyn Marshall Weightlifting
Karyn Marshall With Trophy Cropped.jpg

Personal information
Surname: Karyn Marshall
Nationality: United StatesUnited States United States
Date of birth: April 2, 1956
Place of birth: Coral Gables
Medal table

Karyn Susan Marshall (born April 2, 1956 ) is an American weightlifter.


Karyn S. Marshall began lifting weights in 1978 , at a time when women's weightlifting was still in its infancy. In 1982 she was the heavyweight title holder at the USA championships, which were held for the first time. On April 20, 1985, she reached 303 pounds in the poke. = 137.5 kg an unofficial world record. At the 1987 World Championships in Daytona Beach , which for the first time also included competitions for women, she won the weight class up to 82.5 kg with a duel of 220 kg; with that she could even have won the open weight class. In the next few years she moved up to the weight class from 82.5 kg, which is open to the top, but had to admit defeat to the Chinese women Han Changmei and Li Yajuan .

Marshall also had a career on a professional level. She received her Bachelor of Science from Columbia University in 1980, then worked for ten years as a financial analyst on Wall Street in New York and then completed a new training as a chiropractor and operates as a Dr. Karyn S. Marshall has a practice in New York. She remained loyal to weightlifting and was a frequent US master of the "Masters", the last time in 2005.

International successes / all-around

(WM = World Championship, KG = body weight)

  • 1987, 1st place , World Championships in Daytona Beach , up to 82.5 kg body weight, with 220 kg (95–125), ahead of Erika Takacs , Hungary and Milena Mileskowa, Bulgaria ;
  • 1988, 2nd place , World Championships in Djakarta , over 82.5 kg body weight, with 225 kg, behind Han Changmei , China , 232.5 kg and in front of Veronika Tobias, Hungary, 192.5 kg;
  • 1989, 2nd place , World Championships in Manchester , over 82.5 kg body weight, with 240 kg, behind Han Changmei, 242.5 kg and in front of Carol Cady, USA , 185 kg;
  • 1990, 2nd place , World Championships in Sarajevo , over 82.5 kg with 242.5 kg, behind Li Yajuan , China, 245 kg and in front of Christina Iliewa, Bulgaria, 197.5 kg

Medals individual disciplines

  • World Cup gold medals: 1987, snatch, 95 kg - 1987, push, 125 kg - 1989, snatch, 110 kg - 1990, snatch, 112.5 kg
  • World Cup silver medals: 1988, snatch, 97.5 kg - 1988, push, 127.5 kg - 1989, push, 130 kg - 1990, push, 130 kg

USA championships

  • 1982, 1st place, up to 75 kg body weight, with 147.5 kg,
  • 1983, 1st place, up to 82.5 kg body weight, with 170 kg,
  • 1984, 1st place, over 82.5 kg body weight, with 202.5 kg,
  • 1985, 1st place, over 82.5 kg body weight, with 220 kg,
  • 1987, 1st place, up to 82.5 kg body weight, with 200 kg,
  • 1988, 1st place, up to 82.5 kg body weight, with 222.5 kg,
  • 1989, 1st place, over 82.5 kg body weight, with 232.5 kg,
  • 1991, 1st place, up to 82.5 kg body weight, with 195 kg

Web links


Commons : Karyn Marshall  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files