Kaspar Düppes

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Kaspar Düppes (* 1755 ; † 1826 ) was the first mayor of Mairie Merheim .

Düppes ran the official business from 1808 to 1810. The Mairie (mayor's office) Merheim was created by an administrative reform in the French occupied Rhineland from the old messenger office Merheim of the Porz office . The towns of Brück , Dünnwald , Flittard , Merheim, Ostheim , Rath , Stammheim , Strunden and Thurn (today Dellbrück ) as well as Wichheim and Schweinheim (today Holweide ) belonged to Mairie Merheim .

The Kaspar-Düppes Street in Cologne-Holweide is named after Düppes.


  • Kölnische Rundschau , November 25, 2010, p. 45.

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