Katarzyna Grochola

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Katarzyna Grochola (2015)

Katarzyna Grochola (born July 18, 1957 in Krotoszyn , Poland ) is a Polish writer .


Grochola was born in Krotoszyn in 1957 . Her mother was a polonist , her father was a lawyer . Grochola graduated from the Julius Słowacki High School in Warsaw . She always wanted to be a writer, but initially worked in different professions. She worked as a nurse , advisor in a marriage agency and as a pastry chef assistant. At the same time she worked with various magazines .

Grochola is also a columnist and screenwriter . She lives in Warsaw , has a daughter and a grandson.

Grochola's books have been translated into Russian , Slovak and German .



  • Przegryźć dżdżownicę ( Biting an Earthworm) (1997)
  • Nigdy w życiu! (Never in a Lifetime) (2001)
  • Serce na temblaku (The heart on the arm sling) (2002)
  • Yes wam pokażę! (I'll Show You!) (2004)
  • Osobowość ćmy (Character of a Moth) (2005)
  • A never mówiłam! (I said yes!) (2006)
  • Trzepot skrzydeł (flapping wings) (2008)
  • Kryształowy Anioł (A Crystal Angel ) (2009)
  • Zielone drzwi (The Green Door) (2010)
  • Houston, mamy problem (Houston, we have a problem) (2012)

Web links

Commons : Katarzyna Grochola  - collection of images, videos and audio files