Kate Macintosh

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Dawson's Heights, an architectural project in London.

Catherine Ailsa "Kate" Macintosh (* 1937 ) is a Scottish  architect in. She designed Dawson's Heights in Southwark and 269 Leigham Court Road, a  listed housing estate in Lambeth.


Macintosh grew up in Edinburgh  . Her father, Ronald Hugh Macintosh, was a civil engineer and headed the Scottish Special Housing Association Direct Labor Organization. Her grandfather, Hugh Macintosh, was an architect. She studied at the Edinburgh School of Art, now part of  Heriot-Watt University . After graduating in 1961, she studied for a year in Warsaw on a grant from the  British Council  and then worked in Stockholm , Copenhagen and Helsinki . She returned in 1964 as part of Denys Lasdun's team building the National Theater .


Macintosh was the partner of the architect  George Finch  until his death; the couple had a son, Sean.

Individual evidence

  1. No. 269 ​​Leigham Court Road and associated patios, paved surfaces and walls . Historic England . Retrieved October 12, 2015.
  2. Kate Macintosh . In: Utopia London . Archived from the original on December 1st, 2015. Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved October 12, 2015. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.utopialondon.com
  3. Elain Harwood: George Finch obituary . In: The Guardian , February 28, 2013. Retrieved October 12, 2015.