Katharina Schmalenberg

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Katharina Schmalenberg (* 1973 in Gießen , Hessen ) is a German actress .

Live and act

After studying acting at the University of Music and Theater in Leipzig , she was a permanent member of the ensemble at Theater Basel from 1998 to 2002 . In 1999 she was voted Young Actress of the Year by Theater heute for the role of "Klara" in Friedrich Hebbel's Maria Magdalena (performed by Andreas Kriegenburg ) . For the opening of the new theater in Basel, she played Hamlet (directed by Stefan Bachmann ).

In 2002 she moved to the Deutsche Theater Berlin . Until 2009 she played there in productions by Stephan Kimmig, Dimiter Gotscheff , Barbara Frey, Nicolas Stemann, Jürgen Gosch ("Who is Afraid of Virginia Woolf", "Idomeneus") and Michael Thalheimer (" Einsame Menschen ", "Orestie") ).

Since 2009 Katharina Schmalenberg has been working as a freelancer, a. a. at the Schauspielhaus Zurich , Theater am Neumarkt Zurich , Burgtheater Vienna and Thalia Theater Hamburg . She has been a permanent member of the Schauspiel Köln ensemble since 2013/14 .


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