Merchant for courier, express and postal services

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The merchant for courier, express and postal services is a state-recognized training occupation in Germany according to the Vocational Training Act .

Duration of training and structure

The training period to become a businessman for courier, express and postal services is usually three years. The training takes place at the training company and vocational school .

Work areas

Merchants for courier, express and postal services plan and organize the transport and handling of shipments. To this end, they plan, control and monitor the cooperation of all those involved who are responsible for transport and handling. You create offers and sell services and are also entrusted with HR management tasks. Merchants for courier, express and postal services find their jobs at companies that transport small and time-critical shipments. You will work there in the areas of management and control as well as order processing and sales.

Intermediate and final exams

The examination tasks are created by the task center for final commercial and intermediate examinations (AkA) in Nuremberg.

Credit for vocational training

In addition to the three-year apprenticeship, there is a two-year apprenticeship, the two-year specialist for courier, express and postal services . Apprentices who have learned this trade and have successfully completed their training can continue their training in the three-year training occupation. The completed training time can be taken into account, d. In other words, they go straight to the third year of training.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Text of the ordinance on vocational training for courier, express and postal services clerk / for courier, express and postal services .
  2. Framework curriculum of the KMK for merchant for courier, express and postal services (PDF; 61 kB). Retrieved October 29, 2010
  3. Information from the AkA on the intermediate and final examinations for merchants for courier, express and postal services . Retrieved November 4, 2010.