Healthcare businessman

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The health care professional is a state-recognized training occupation in Germany . It was introduced in 2001. The increasing specialization of administration in the health sector made the introduction of this commercial profession necessary. The training lasts 3 years. The job title for women is a healthcare professional .

In 2011, 1,445 new training contracts were concluded in Germany. On the ranking list of apprenticeships after new degrees in Germany, the apprenticeship occupation ranks 78th.

Areas of application

Hospitals, inpatient / semi-inpatient / outpatient care facilities, preventive and rehabilitation facilities, medical services, health insurance companies, medical organizations and associations, joint medical practices, rescue services and associations of independent welfare, health authorities, medical supply stores, old people's homes, pharmacies, assistance for the disabled, senior citizens' offices, elderly care , MVZ, MDK , pension office, associations of statutory health insurance physicians, drug providers, billing service providers, lecturers (vocational school with ADA certificate) Addition R / K50


The healthcare professional is trained in the dual training system, i.e. the trainee learns both in the training company and in the vocational school . The training lasts 3 years, but you can also take the final examination six months earlier and start in the second year of the apprenticeship. The training occupation also represents a good opportunity for retraining , e.g. B. for nurses, geriatric carers, etc., and is offered for this by training companies and as initial training.

The school education is divided into learning fields , e.g. B. Business processes (recording, control, evaluation), market analyzes, marketing instruments, offering / documenting / billing of services, investment financing. There are also general educational subjects such as social studies , German , English and sports .

Most vocational schools offer block training, which means that you regularly go to school for at least one week at a time. A day at school every week is rather rare in this profession, as not very many vocational schools offer lessons for health care professionals, in Bavaria, for example, only six schools (Straubing, Erlangen, Bad Kissingen, Munich, Rosenheim and Günzburg).

In in- company training , you go through various administrative departments, such as the personnel department, accounting, economic department or accounting. But there are also optional departments such as complaint management or quality management.

Retraining and initial training at state-recognized substitute schools are usually divided into alternating sections of theoretical and practical training.

At the end of the usually three-year training there is a written and an oral final examination .

The written exam consists of three parts. Part 1.1 contains open questions, in parts 1.2 to 3 closed questions must be ticked.

Two subject areas are presented in the oral exam. Then you have about a quarter of an hour to work on one of the topics. Now you have to answer questions from the examination board. The examination committee usually consists of a subject teacher and several people from the health sector, e.g. B. Health insurance, hospital, care, etc.

Training opportunities

  • Specialist in social and health care
  • State-certified business economist hospital
  • State-certified specialist in social affairs
  • Business economist IHK.

Individual evidence

  1. Ranking list of the training occupations of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)

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