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KazCosmos is the space agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan with its headquarters in Nur-Sultan . Since it was founded on March 27, 2007, the former cosmonaut Talghat Mussabaev has been its director .


The most important launch site for manned and unmanned space flights for the Soviet Union was set up in the then Kazakh SSR in Baikonur . Even today, the Baikonur Cosmodrome is the most important launch site for Russia . There are contracts between Russia and Kazakhstan for use by Russia until 2050.

Manned space travel

Before the agency was founded, there were two Kazakh cosmonauts, Toktar Aubakirow and the current head, Talghat Mussabajew. In 2015, Aidyn Aimbetow was the first cosmonaut to fly into space under the responsibility of this authority.

Unmanned space travel

Even before KazCosmos was founded, the first Kazakh satellite KazSat 1 was launched from Baikonur on June 18, 2006. KazSat 2 was then launched on July 16, 2011 on a Proton rocket . KazSat-2 was built by GKNPZ Khrunichev and Thales Alenia Space . KazSat 3 was launched into geostationary orbit on April 28, 2014 with a Proton-M / Bris-M launcher from the Baikonur rocket launch site.

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