Kazimierz Jarochowski

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Kazimierz Jarochowski (German: Kasimir von Jarochowski ; born September 12, 1829 in Sokolniki , Powiat Szamotulski ; † March 24, 1888 ) was a Prussian lawyer and Polish historian.

Kazimierz Jarochowski, son of a respected manor owner in Poznan, received a careful upbringing in his parents' house, studied law at the University of Berlin, became a district judge in Poznan in 1862 and was dismissed in 1882.

He published the important files from the Saxon period under the title:

  • Teka Gabryela Junoszy (Posen 1856–61, 6 vols.), Then
  • Wielkopolska w czasia piecwczy wojny Szwedzkiy od r. 1655 do 1657 (History of the Swedish War 1655–57, 1864) and the
  • History of August II. (1856–74, 2 vols.).

His smaller historical writings appeared under the title:

  • Opowiadania historyczne (1860–86, 6 vols.).
  • Próba emancypacyjna polityki Augustowéj ( August's attempt at emancipation , 1878);
  • Sprawa Kalksteina 1670–72 (The Kalkstein Affair, Warsaw 1878);
  • Oblezenie Poznania przez Patkula (The Siege of Poznan by Patkul ), 1879; German in: New Archive for Saxon History (NASG), 3, 1882, pp. 201–228, pp. 257–289.
  • Koniec Radziejowskiego (The End of Radziejowskis, 1879) and under the pseudonym Severin Przerowa:
  • Literatura poznańska w pierwszej połowie bieżącego (The Literature of the Grand Duchy of Poznan, Cracow 1880).

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