No power to the stupid

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No Power to Stupid is a satirical slogan on the anti-drug campaign No Power to Drugs .

The slogan was coined by the rock band Rausch and printed on a T-shirt around 1991/1992. The Federal Ministry of Health then threatened the band with a fine of 7,500 DM (approx. 3835 euros) if they did not prevent the sale of the shirt. The slogan spoiled the anti-drug initiative of the ministry with a "deceptively similar T-shirt", complained the advertising agency working for the Federal Office.

Rolf Le Ukel, the band's bassist, said at the end of 1992: “This is our contribution to the current situation in Germany. A sweeping attack against right-wing extremists, hatred of foreigners and an unimaginative drug policy. The t-shirt is satire. Satire is art and therefore free. "

Just a year later the slogan u. a. taken up by the German-speaking hip-hop formation 4 Reeves and in the following years particularly popular in alternative and punk circles.

See also

No power to the stupid. A polemic. (Book by the philosopher Michael Schmidt-Salomon )

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Sub Line Musikmagazin , issue 11, November 1992, p. 7.