Unicorn rotifer

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Unicorn rotifer
Kellicottia longispina.jpg

Unicorn Rotifer ( Kellicottia longispina )

Class : Eurotatoria
Subclass : Monogononta
Order : Ploima
Family : Brachionidae
Genre : Kellicottia
Type : Unicorn rotifer
Scientific name
Kellicottia longispina
( Kellicott , 1879)

The unicorn rotifer ( Kellicottia longispina ) is a species from the genus Kellicottia from the tribe of the rotifers (Rotatoria). Kellicottia longispina is common in planktonic lakes.


The long thorns are striking - one at the rear, one long and five short ones at the front of the animal. Kellicottia bostoniensis , a similar-looking species from the same genus, is invasive in Germany .

Individual evidence

  1. Heinz Streble , Dieter Krauter : Life in the water drop. Microflora and microfauna of freshwater. An identification book. 10th edition. Kosmos, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-440-10807-4 .

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