Kelly plateau

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Kelly plateau
location Ross Dependency , Antarctica
part of Churchill Mountains , Transantarctic Mountains
Kelly Plateau (Antarctica)
Kelly plateau
Coordinates 81 ° 24 ′  S , 159 ° 30 ′  E Coordinates: 81 ° 24 ′  S , 159 ° 30 ′  E
Map sheet with the KELLY PLATEAU northwest of STARSHOT GLACIER

Map sheet with the KELLY PLATEAU northwest of STARSHOT GLACIER


The Kelly Plateau is a 25 km long, 3 to 6.5 km wide and ice-covered high plateau in the Antarctic Ross Dependency . It lies between the lower sections of the Jorda and Flynn Glaciers on the east side of the Churchill Mountains in the Transantarctic Mountains .

The Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names named it in 1965 after George R. Kelly (* 1923) of the United States Navy , commander of the VX-6 squadron during Operation Deep Freeze in 1964.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ John Stewart: Antarctica - An Encyclopedia . Vol. 1, McFarland & Co., Jefferson and London 2011, ISBN 978-0-7864-3590-6 , p. 843 (English).