Kemal Bozay

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Kemal Bozay (2010)

Kemal Bozay (* 1969 ) is a German political , educational and social scientist .


Bozay did his doctorate with Christoph Butterwegge in Cologne. Since 2018 he has been professor for social work and social sciences in the dual study program at the IUBH International University in Düsseldorf. Most recently, he was a substitute professor at the Department of Applied Social Sciences at the University of Applied Sciences Dortmund and at the same time lecturer at the Institute for Comparative Educational Research and Social Sciences (Human Sciences Faculty) at the University of Cologne .

Scientific publication activity

Bozay is the author of several publications such as u. a. Exile Turkey (2001). In his dissertation “… I am proud to be a Turk! - Ethnization of social conflicts under the sign of globalization ” (2005/2009), Bozay explains which social circumstances and factors in Germany are causing re- ethnicization and re-nationalization among German-Turkish young people of the second and third generation of migrants . It also deals with the ethnicization of social problems in the context of globalization and migration issues . The subjects of Islam, nationalism and (social) racism are also among his main research areas. In his publication Kurden und Medien (2003), he advocated equal acceptance and perception of Kurds in the media.

His anthology, Symbolic Order and Educational Inequality in the Migration Society (2016), published together with Emre Arslan, deals with the reproduction and manifestation of social imbalances in the context of the educational processes of people with a migration background. In the sense of the "symbolic power" problematized by Pierre Bourdieu , social inequalities and social power asymmetries are to be critically questioned and deconstructed .

Bozay has also dealt with the different forms and effects of ideologies of inequality in the immigration society (2017, together with Dierk Borstel). This is primarily about the political and educational strategies against forms of group-related enmity. In the anthology The thought we were. Migrants on racism and right-wing violence (2016) consists Bozay together with Funda Özfırat, Orhan Mangitay and Bahar from migrant Affected perspective on the example of NSU -Terrors with the effects of right-wing violence and racism apart .

Together with Hasan Kaygısız, Bozay published the book The New Sultan in 2017 . Turkey between repression and resistance . This is about a critical examination of both the history of the “defective” democracy in Turkey and the current neo-Ottoman and Islamic nationalist claims of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his AKP.

Education and Migration Projects

Another focus of Bozay's work is the topic of "Education and Migration". As a project manager at Schule ans Netz eV, his work was concentrated until May 2010 a. a. on the promotion of young migrants in the transition from school to work, whereby e-mentors support and accompany young people in a strength-oriented manner. In the IFAK eV - Association for Multicultural Child and Youth Welfare - Migration Work (based in Bochum), as managing director, he has accompanied departments and projects on the subject of child and youth welfare, educational assistance, advice, migration and interculturality. In addition, he leads a wide range of educational offers, seminars and training courses in various areas of intercultural educational work.


  • Kemal Bozay, Hasan Kaygısız: The new Sultan: Turkey between repression and resistance . (New Small Library) Paperback. PapyRossa Verlag 2017.
  • Kemal Bozay, Funda Özfirat, Eymen Nahali: Migration- sensitive child protection - resource-oriented: Young refugees in the focus of youth welfare . Contributions to the theory and practice of youth welfare. Schöneworth Verlag 2017.
  • Kemal Bozay, Dierk Borstel (ed.): Ideologies of inequality in the immigration society . Springer VS 2017.
  • Kemal Bozay et al .: They thought we were: Migrants on right-wing terror and racism . Paperback. PapyRossa Verlag 2016/2017.
  • Emre Arslan, Kemal Bozay (Ed.): Symbolic order and educational inequality in the migration society. Springer VS 2016.
  • Fikret Aslan, Kemal Bozay: Gray wolves are howling again: Turkish fascists and their networking in Germany . 3rd revised edition. Unrast Verlag 2012
  • Kemal Bozay: “I am proud to be Turkish!”: Ethnicization of social conflicts in the context of globalization . Wochenschau Verlag 2005/2009.
  • Kemal Bozay (Ed.): Kurds and the media: A contribution to the equal acceptance of Kurds in the media. NAVEND 2004.
  • Kemal Bozay: Exile Turkey: A research contribution to German-speaking emigration to Turkey (1933–1945) . LIT publishing house 2001.

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