Kenneth III.

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King Kenneth III (However, there is no evidence of the authenticity of the representation)

Kenneth III. ( Cináed mac Duib ; † 1005 ) was Scottish king from 997 to 1005. He was the son of King Dubh , grandson of Malcolm I , cousin 4th degree of his predecessor Constantine III. and a 1st cousin of his successor Malcolm II.

Kenneth was the last Scottish king to be elected under the traditional tanistry system. To make sure that the claim to rule over Scotland would still be due to the own line of the Alpine dynasty after his death , Kenneth appointed his son Giric as heir to the Scottish throne.

In March 1005, Kenneth and Giric were killed in the battle of Monzievaird ( Tayside ) by Malcolm II , who was seizing the throne. Then Malcolm ordered the murder of the remaining sons of Kenneths in order to get competitors from his line out of the way and to secure the succession of his grandson Duncan I.

Kenneth's son Bodhe , however, had a daughter named Gruoch (1007-1060). Her first marriage was to Gillacomgain , the Mormaer of Moray . From this connection came a son, Lulach . After Gillacomgain's death, Gruoch married the future King Macbeth . When Macbeth died, another scion from the line of Kenneth III, Macbeth's stepson Lulach, came to the Scottish throne.

See also

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predecessor Office successor
Constantine III King of Scotland
Malcolm II