Kepler cauldron

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Kepler cauldron

description School newspaper of the Kepler-Gymnasium in Ulm / Donau
language German
First edition 1947
Frequency of publication yearly
Sold edition 600 copies
editor Kepler High School, Ulm / Danube
Web link [1]

The Kepler-Kessel is the school newspaper of the Kepler-Gymnasium in Ulm . It has been published continuously every year since 1947 (mostly shortly before the summer holidays) and is therefore one of the oldest school newspapers in Germany.


The name Kepler-Kessel can be traced back to Johannes Kepler , who moved to Ulm in 1627 in order to finish and print his later famous Rudolfinian panels there . During his stay in Ulm, at the request of the city council, Kepler standardized the various systems of measurement into a binding "bucket measure", which became known as the Keplerkessel .

editorial staff

Ten members of the editorial team from grades 5 to 13 and one editorial supervisor from the teaching staff are currently working on the school newspaper. They meet once a week to discuss current topics, how-to, and write articles. Each member also works independently at home if necessary.


The Kepler boiler is self-financed through advertising income and the sales proceeds and is therefore independent of school or city fees. For a number of years it has been printed in DIN / A4 or DIN / A5, depending on the decision of the editors, whereby the A5 editions usually cost 50 cents and the A4 editions are available for one euro.

Web links